The United States decided not to repeat the mistakes of France. What didn’t Antony Blinken say? scandalous leak that issues of military assistance to Armenia were also discussed at the meeting in Brussels. The State Department quickly tried to refute this leak and now maintains its previous position.

Posted on May 25, 2024


5/24/2024 11:18

In the United States, there are regular hearings in Congress on foreign policy. And, as one would expect, Armenian lobbyists on Capitol Hill used them to the fullest – primarily to remind them of the interests of their donors and at the same time to demonstrate to these donors how valiantly they are working out their campaign contributions.

Resources close to Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan are already publishing a transcript of the conversation about relations between the United States and Armenia. According to the Secretary of State, “The United States is reviewing applications submitted by Armenia to determine steps that Washington can take to strengthen cooperation with Yerevan and support provided to Armenia.” He praised Pashinyan: “Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has done a serious job leading his country through difficult times. And we want to ensure that everyone, including people who left Nagorno-Karabakh, receives support.” He recalled that “in April, a trilateral Armenia-US-EU meeting was held in Brussels to understand what additional efforts Washington and Brussels can make to support Armenia.” However, he did not disclose details of future support. And he didn’t even hint whether this support extended to security issues and military cooperation, too. And, as was quite expected, Antony Blinken did not touch upon the scandalous leak that issues of military assistance to Armenia were also discussed at the meeting in Brussels. The State Department quickly tried to refute this leak and now maintains its previous position.

But then Congressman Jim Costa began to teach Blinken foreign policy and said that Washington, it turns out, should hold Azerbaijan accountable for the “Armenian genocide in Nagorno-Karabakh”, that Baku cannot be trusted, because the Azerbaijani side, it turns out, has repeatedly violated the agreements reached with Armenia. To which Blinken limited himself to a short answer: the best solution is to move towards a peace treaty. This comes from the interests of Armenia, Azerbaijan and the entire region.

Congressman Jim Costa, of course, would do well to study the issue first, and only then talk to anyone in a mentoring tone. Then, perhaps, he would have realized for himself that it was Armenia itself that violated and, unfortunately, continues to violate the agreements. Moreover, this also applies to the disruption of “humanitarian ceasefires” during the 44-day war, when before the expiration of the truce, Armenia launched missile attacks on residential areas of Azerbaijani cities, and after the war period, when, in violation of all agreements, Yerevan continued to keep 15,000 people in Karabakh a grouping of armed forces with hundreds of tanks, other armored vehicles, cannon and rocket artillery, electronic warfare equipment, with the help of which they interfered with Azerbaijani civil aviation… But, unfortunately, such people are only interested in money from sponsors, in this case, Armenian lobbyists.

But the current hearings on Capitol Hill are notable not only for what was said during them, but also for what was not said. It is clear that the US Secretary of State did not want to anger congressmen, including Armenian lobbyists. Not to mention the fact that Azerbaijan had and still has serious questions regarding the policy of the executive vertical in the United States in general and the State Department in particular. It is noteworthy that, unlike Yuri Kim and James O’Brien, Antony Blinken refrained from making explicitly anti-Azerbaijani statements.

It can be assumed that the Secretary of State is more experienced and, sorry, simply smarter than his assistants. But not only. The tough and principled position of Azerbaijan in general and the reaction to the “hugs” of Washington and Yerevan that went beyond the scope of objectivity and decency had a result. The United States does not want to collapse its relations with Azerbaijan following the example of France. And as a result, at least in words, Blinken chose to hold back during congressional hearings.

And this is not the only manifestation, let’s say, clarification of accents. Just recently, Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan Hikmet Hajiyev visited the United States. US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mark Libby finally visited Shusha – and this is a clear message to the Azerbaijani audience. And now there is evidence of “movements” in official rhetoric.

All that remains is for the United States to ensure that its words and hints do not diverge from deeds.

Noorani , columnist

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