Two American soldiers were injured in the Gaza floating port

Posted on May 23, 2024


Date: 05-23-2024 Time: 12:31 PM

Khabarni – Two American soldiers were slightly injured on Thursday in a work accident in the floating port area off the coast of Gaza, and they were transferred to the hospital via the port of Ashdod, according to what was reported by the Israeli Channel 7.

The circumstances or details of the work accident that led to the injury of the two soldiers have not yet become clear, but it came with the start of broader work in the port, and the US Central Command “Centcom” announced that more than 569 metric tons of humanitarian aid had been delivered to Gaza through the temporary dock so far. .

US President Joe Biden announced for the first time plans to establish the floating port in early March, in light of Israel’s obstruction of the delivery of aid by land, which exacerbated the deteriorating humanitarian conditions in Gaza

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