At least nine dead and more than 60 injured as a result of the collapse of a stage during an event attended by the Mexican presidential candidate

Posted on May 23, 2024


May 23, 2024 By: NTN24 Editorial The accident occurred in the town of San Pedro Garza, part of the metropolitan area of ​​the industrial city of Monterrey, in the state of Nuevo León.

At least nine dead and more than 60 injured were caused by the collapse of a stage on Wednesday night during a political event in which Mexican presidential candidate Jorge Álvarez Máynez participated.An initial balance had reported four deaths and 15 injured, a figure that increased as the hours passed.Images spread on social networks show the moment in which the towers that supported the stage collapsed due to strong winds.
either Álvarez

Máynez, 38 years old and third in voting intentions ahead of the
elections on June 2, and his companions managed to get to safety after
running quickly.

“I am fine and in communication with state authorities to follow up on what happened. The only important thing right now is to care for the victims,” ​​Álvarez Máynez wrote on the social network X.

The candidate added that the members of his team who were injured are being
treated at a hospital. His party reported in a statement that he will
suspend all his campaign events “in solidarity with those affected.”

The event was the closing of the campaign of the Citizen Movement candidate

for mayor of San Pedro, Lorenia Canavati, who was accompanied by
Álvarez Máynez.

The Citizen Movement deputy, Javier González Alcántara, told the Televisa
network that rescuers evacuated the injured in the middle of a broad
operation. “We were able to remove all the people who were under the stage and take the injured to the hospitals,” he said.

The other candidates for the presidency of Mexico, meanwhile, expressed their condolences for the incident.

The opposition candidate Xóchitl Gálvez stated in

hope everything is well with the candidates attending the Citizen
Movement event in Nuevo León,” Claudia Sheinbaum, the ruling party’s
candidate, wrote in X.

The accident occurred in the town of San Pedro Garza, part of the metropolitan area of ​​the industrial city of Monterrey, in the state of Nuevo León.

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