A (Democrat, Socialist hit piece Film slander Attack Trump before The Elections) film about Trump’s biography sparks outrage

Posted on May 23, 2024


Date: 05-23-2024 Time: 02:32 PM

A biographical film about Trump

News – The film “The Apprentice”, which talks about the biography of former US President Donald Trump, sparked a state of anger after it was shown in the official competition at the Cannes Film Festival.

The Trump campaign responded to the premiere of the film, which deals with the 2024 presidential candidate’s early years as a real estate developer.

Trump campaign chief spokesman Stephen Cheung told Variety: “We will be filing a lawsuit to counter the lies of the filmmakers. This nonsense is fiction that sensationalizes lies that have long been debunked.”

He added: “As with the illegal Biden prosecutions, this is election interference by the Hollywood elite, who know that President Trump will reclaim the White House and defeat their preferred candidate because nothing they did worked.”

He continued: “This film is a malicious slander, and should not see the light of day, and does not even deserve a place in the DVD section.”

“The Apprentice” is directed by Iranian Ali Abbasi, director of the movie “The Holly Spider,” and written by journalist Gabriel Sherman.

The film depicts Trump at the beginning of his career as a somewhat naive professional, but the man, played by Sebastian Stan, deviates from his principles when he discovers the tricks of power, along with his mentor, lawyer Roy Cohn, played by Jeremy Strong, who is closely linked to the New York mafia.

One of the most powerful scenes in the film shows Trump raping his first wife, Ivana, played by Maria Bakalova. He was also seen taking amphetamine pills and undergoing liposuction and hair transplant surgery, and “The Apprentice” showed Trump with a narcissistic personality.

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