Yahya Al-Sanwar is the master of the game..his sign is Scorpio (he does not trust anyone)

Posted on May 16, 2024


Date: 05-16-2024 Time: 01:24 PM

Yahya Al-Sanwar is the master of the game..his sign is Scorpio (he does not trust anyone)


Khabarni – Alaa Naji 

(Master of the Game)… a title given by international newspapers to Yahya Al-Sinwar, the political leader of the Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip. He was born on October 29, 1962, Khan Yunis refugee camp, Palestine) and who belongs to the sign of Scorpio with wise qualities, as the Scorpio man has a calm, sober and calm personality. Very suspicious. 

Scorpio is also characterized by concealing its ideas and plans and executing them at the appropriate time to ensure their success. It is a sign that does not understand the meaning of defeat or does not accept brokenness.

Scorpio is considered one of the water signs, and those born under the sign are loyal to their companions, but they are distinguished by stubbornness, toughness, endurance, and patience, and they do not trust others easily.

Sinwar, with snow-white hair and black eyebrows, is the first man wanted by the Zionist entity. 

Israel threatened to “hunt” him, holding him responsible for the attack that took place on October 7 in southern occupied Palestine, in which about 1,200 people were killed, while more than 200 others were kidnapped.

 Al-Sinwar is a Palestinian politician and leader in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), head of its political bureau in the Gaza Strip since February 13, 2017, and one of the founders of the security apparatus of the Hamas movement, which was named the Security and Propagation Service (Majd), in 1985, which is the body authorized to pursue spies of the Zionist occupation.

 Israel places Yahya Al-Sinwar as a strategic target for its security and intelligence operations, given his great weight and influence within the Strip. 

Yahya moved through the schools of Khan Yunis camp until he finished his secondary studies in Khan Yunis Secondary School for Boys, then he joined the Islamic University of Gaza, where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in the Arabic language, where he worked in the student council for five years, where he was secretary of the technical committee, the sports committee, and vice president. Then as Chairman of the Council, then Vice-Chairman again.

His marriage was greatly delayed due to his military activities and long detention, and after his release in 2011, he married Samar Muhammad Abu Zamar Salha, from Gaza. 

His marriage was held on Monday, November 21, 2011 AD, in the Al-Nour and Al-Iman Mosque in the Al-Maqousi area in Gaza City, immediately after the afternoon prayer.

After Sinwar was released in the Shalit deal in 2011, he returned to his position as a prominent leader in Hamas and a member of its political bureau. He held the task of coordinating between the Hamas Political Bureau and the leadership of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, as a “representative of the Brigades” in the Hamas Political Bureau. Following the end of the Israeli aggression on Gaza in 2014, Sinwar had ordered comprehensive investigations and evaluations of the performance of field commanders, which resulted in the dismissal of prominent leaders. In September 2015, the United States included Sinwar’s name on the blacklist of international terrorists, along with two other leaders of the Hamas movement: the Commander-in-Chief of the Al-Qassam Brigades, Muhammad Al-Deif, and a member of the Political Bureau, Rawhi Mushtaha.

On February 13, 2017, Al-Sinwar was elected head of the movement’s political bureau in the Gaza Strip, succeeding Ismail Haniyeh, while Khalil Al-Hayya was chosen as his deputy.

 Sinwar was chosen as head of Hamas in Gaza through internal elections for the movement held at the level of the various regions of the Strip.

 Hamas completed its internal elections in the West Bank and outside Palestine to elect the head of the political bureau in mid-March 2017, and Ismail Haniyeh was announced as Khaled Meshaal’s successor.

 The Guardian newspaper considered in an article in 2017 that Sinwar’s arrival to lead Hamas would put an end to the internal competition in Hamas between the political and military wings, and redefine the movement’s policy, especially in light of the challenges facing Gaza. 

The British newspaper added that the election of Sinwar was a clear indication of the priority of Gaza, as the man sees the Gaza Strip as a priority for political and military activity, in contrast to the previous approach seeking rapprochement with the leadership of the Palestinian Authority

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