Build up pressure -Communist “Trade unions against rearmament and war!

Posted on April 25, 2024


Anne Rieger | UZ dated April 26, 2024 |

Almost 5,000 colleagues have called for “Trade unions against rearmament and war! Capability for peace instead of capability for war”. There are many – but they are by far not enough. We must increase the pressure on the federal government against its war course. The protest against increased armament, arms deliveries and economic war must become stronger. Especially from the unions. This is not an easy task, as we know – but it is necessary! So let’s take advantage of this May 1st!

Why is the issue of peace on May 1st so important this year in particular?

Firstly, 89 billion euros for the armaments and war budget will be distributed this year from our tax money to the shareholders of the arms companies. In addition, we will have to repay the 100 billion euros in special debt – with horrendous interest. On the other hand, money for daycare centers, hospitals, nursing staff, education and affordable housing is constantly being cut in order to fill the coffers of corporations. FDP Finance Minister Lindner gave the direction in “Spiegel”: Savings must be made primarily in the departments with the highest social spending, and only the Ministry of Defense should be spared. If we do not address the resistance in an organized manner in the unions, our prosperity will sink into the profits of the corporations. More and more people will become impoverished.

Secondly, the international competition for power, influence and profits is becoming ever more intense. Around 40 wars worldwide bear witness to this. Our focus is on Ukraine and the Middle East. 50 percent of the world’s oil and gas reserves are located there. It’s not about democracy and human rights. It’s about economic and geopolitical interests. Those in power demand that we commit to one side. But we stand with the victims of these wars. Those in power are destroying lives and livelihoods with their policies. They bomb residential areas and infrastructure, destroy the climate and the environment. Thousands die or lose their homes. Refugees are starving or drowning at the gates of the EU or other wealthy countries. They are our colleagues. Coincidentally, they were born in another country. We want them to be able to live in peace and prosperity in their home countries.

Thirdly, May 1st is the “International Working Class Day of Struggle” for better working and living conditions around the world. Peace is a basic prerequisite for this. We want the government to take initiatives to initiate ceasefire, negotiations and peace. As the government of the economically and politically strongest country in the EU, it is in a position to do this. We want no more weapons and military equipment to be produced in our country’s factories and exported to war zones.

The development of productive forces enables a good life for all people in the world when they are used peacefully. For this we need a turning point for peace. But without our pressure, without the pressure from the unions, the government will not be able to make peace. That is why we must convince our colleagues to stand up together in all committees, on the streets and in companies, on all social and peace issues, to take an offensive stance against war and rearmament for social security. That is why we are promoting the call “Trade unions against rearmament and war” !

Our author is an active member of IG Metall and co-spokeswoman for the Federal Peace Council Committee.

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