Pope , Biden : ‘when my son Died’ , Full Video Jill steps in

Posted on June 21, 2024


TVN24 | Świat

21 czerwca 2024, 5:52Źródło:Reuters

During a live discussion, a student from the Philippines appealed to the Pope to “stop using offensive language against the LGBTQIA+ community.” In response, Francis opposed discrimination, but did not comment on accusations of using homophobic language.

Pin the video here Reuters Pope Francis met with world leaders at the G7Reuters summit During a live discussion, a student from the Philippines appealed to the Pope to “stop using offensive language against the LGBTQIA+ community.” In response, Francis opposed discrimination, but did not comment on accusations of using homophobic language. According to their account, during a speech for about 200 bishops gathered at the Italian Episcopal Conference, the Pope appealed for greater selection in accepting candidates to seminaries and assessed that there were too many gays in them. To the surprise of those gathered, he allegedly used the blunt Italian term “frociaggine”. This word translates as extremely offensive “faggotism”. The Vatican issued an official apology, but the incident sparked outrage and observers said it damaged Francis’ image as a pope friendly to LGBT reforms. The student appeals to the Pope Jack Lorenz Acebedo Rivera of the Philippines addressed Francis during a panel between students and the pope that was broadcast live on the Internet. – Stop using offensive language against the LGBTQIA+ community, it leads to great pain – said Acebedo Rivera. – I myself am intimidated because of my bisexuality, my identity – he added. He was wearing a rainbow headband. In response, the Pope opposed discrimination, especially against women, but did not comment on his homophobic words. Author/Author:ads//mrz Source: Reuters Main photo source: PAP/EPA/MASSIMO PERCOSSI

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