Wall Street Journal: The White House postpones the sale of 50 F-15 fighters to Israel

Posted on June 19, 2024


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Euronews Published in

06/19/2024 – 16:00 GMT+2

Amid accusations from Tel Aviv that the Biden administration is obstructing arms shipments to Israel, the American Wall Street Journal reported that the White House has not yet moved forward with completing the sale of 50 F-15 fighter jets to Israel, despite Congress’ support for this step.

The US State Department was expected to formally notify Congress of the $18 billion deal after two top Democrats withdrew their objection to it, but it has not done so yet.

The US State Department told the Wall Street Journal that there is no policy to slow arms sales. She added: “We look at the timing tactically. It’s not a question of if or not. It’s a question of when.”

The two Democrats, Senator Ben Cardin (Maryland), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Representative Gregory Meeks (New York), the ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, dropped their objection that had been ongoing for nearly a month under intense pressure from the Biden administration Yesterday, Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted a video clip on social media reprimanding the Biden administration for alleged obstacles in supplying weapons to Israel.In response, the White House reportedly canceled high-level talks between US and Israeli security officials in Washington, DC.

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