Aruba Immigration: Procedure for immigrants with minors

Posted on June 19, 2024


Public Announcement

18 Jun 2024 6:00 PM

Diamars mainta, Director of Immigration Aruba (IA),

Mr. Andrew Hoo, held a press conference regarding the procedure for leaving with a minor. As far as I know, there is a different requirement for leaving with a minor, as they are outlined by looking at school holidays.

Each year, Immigration Aruba faces different cases, most of which are of foreign origin and the necessary documents for a minor, so, according to reports, for two years now a permit form is obtained and the Government page,

this one: , so the community to download this one easily now has capacity for a minor.

According to the Director of Immigration Aruba, and the necessary procedure, Aruba must comply with international rules against human trafficking (human trafficking and human trafficking).

Also, protected teacher and minor, for example, kidnapping.

Each person who wants to travel with a minor, depending on the reason, whether it is vacation, school or sport, must have a child and a form

“Permission to travel with a minor”. So to prove, now that you pass the control at Immigration, what is the obligation that parents have to have permission to be a minor.

A better one with download and form, you must complete this completely. In addition to the form, you must submit the following documents: –

Copy of the passport of the person with a permit (senior/veteran); – Copy of the passport of the companion; – Copy of the passport of the minor; – If applicable, copy of the valid permit; – If applicable, copy of the corresponding record; –

Copy of the return tickets. In addition, it is possible to deliver and “return” the minor, however this is not necessary if you meet the first requirements mentioned.

Teacher, please send the form and another document to the main office of Immigration in Aruba for control and visa.

Immigration in Aruba has an appeal to every adult/person who wants to live with a minor, so keep in mind that the process here is for a while during the vacation season, so we suggest you submit the form and any other document, at least 4 days in advance, we promise to do so. In this way, you can avoid problems and/or missing the flight. We are waiting to receive more information and help us understand better.

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