NATO wants to activate more nuclear weapons now that Russia, China and North Korea are ‘deploying new weapons at breakneck speed’

Posted on June 18, 2024


Analysis The number of nuclear weapons on high alert is increasing while discussions about them are at a standstill, SIPRI states in the new yearbook. NATO is also talking about deploying more nuclear weapons, says NATO chief Stoltenberg. Jan van Benthem

Stockholm – London Nuclear weapons have become much more important in the policies of all nine countries that have them. They are all busy expanding or modernizing their arsenals, says the Stockholm international peace research institute SIPRI in the new annual report. Moreover, more and more heavy nuclear weapons have been put on high alert, especially in Russia and China. There are now also discussions within NATO to increase the number of directly deployable nuclear weapons ‘given the growing threat from Russia and China’, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg told The Telegraph on Sunday. China in particular is investing heavily in a larger and more modern nuclear arsenal. SIPRI estimates that China’s arsenal is expiring…

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