Four people die in attacks by FARC dissidents in southwestern Colombia

Posted on May 23, 2024


The rebels of the so-called Central General Staff (EMC), who refused to accept the 2016 peace agreement, carried out attacks with shots and cylinder bombs against a bank and a police station in Morales in the department of Cauca By


May 21, 2024

Four people, including two police officers, lost their lives and at least seven were injured in a series of attacks carried out this Monday by dissidents of the extinct FARC guerrilla in southwestern Colombia, according to authorities.

The rebels of the so-called Central General Staff (EMC), who refused to accept the 2016 peace agreement, carried out attacks with gunshots and cylinder bombs against a bank and a police station in Morales, in the department of Cauca. This was stated by the Minister of Defense, Iván Velásquez, in a press conference.

“Two patrol officers and two prisoners from the police center died, while three uniformed officers suffered injuries, although they are out of danger,” explained Minister Velásquez, who described the attack as a “terrorist attack.”

To reinforce security in the municipality and provide peace of mind to the communities, a platoon of professional soldiers from the 29th Brigade has been deployed in Morales. Likewise, artillery aircraft from the Colombian Army and Air Force remain in the area, supporting from the air the patrol work carried out by the troops and armored vehicles of the N8 Light Cavalry Group.

“The message is clear: all the capabilities of the Public Force are focused on stabilizing this area of ​​Cauca to protect the communities,” the authorities expressed, adding “the troops and armored vehicles are in the urban area of ​​the municipality to counteract these actions, which are being supported from the air with Air Force artillery aircraft.”

Authorities continue to work to restore order and security in the region, while efforts to capture those responsible for these attacks remain underway.

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