The defeat of the United States

Posted on May 17, 2024


Opinion: US global hegemony questioned

ByAdrian Santiago

| Published on May 10, 2024

Iran’s recent attack on the invading state of Israel reveals how global dynamics are changing. At the beginning of the 21st century, the United States was in full swing and in a time of unipolarity. During this period, opposing him or the mere fact of not having good relations with the United States was a sentence to misery. As we could see in the wars with Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and with the sanctions against North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela. 

The United States, like every empire, has reached the period of decline. Since the Trump administration it has been clear that a capable competitor has emerged on all fronts. Unlike Russia, and previously the Soviet Union, which could only compete in military and social aspects, China can compete in the economic aspect. Sanction after sanction, and despite the economic attacks against it, China is still standing and to some extent developing faster than the US. 

The United States is still a giant geopolitical force, but by not being the only one, it has given space to a world in which confrontations against it are more common. With the proxy war in Ukraine, the United States sought to eliminate one of the few nations that is on its par militarily. Russia’s triumph in preventing an economic and national collapse has given an example to the world that the United States is not an all-powerful country and that one can live without it.

Iran’s confrontation with the US represents the continuation of this decline. The attack against the most supported and loved ally of the United States in the Middle East, Israel, has taught that there is no longer any fear of the superpower. The world has seen how the United States has supported the genocide of the Palestinian people while preaching about human rights. The hypocrisy we have witnessed has destroyed the image of the United States as the world’s great policeman, which “supports the promotion and propagation of democracy and human rights.” With this attack by Iran, the world has seen that the United States and its allies are not untouchable.

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