Tudeh Party ‘ Communist party of Iran, Call for Global Support for and Solidarity with the Extensive Strike Movement of Thousands of Project Workers in Iran’s Oil Industry and Associated Industries

Posted on June 26, 2024


6/26/24 3:03 PM

Statement of the Tudeh Party of Iran:

Call for Global Support for and Solidarity with the Extensive Strike Movement of Thousands of Project Workers in Iran’s Oil Industry and Associated Industries!

To the World’s Communist and Worker Parties and International Trade Union Organisations:

According tocredible reports received from labour-orientedgroups and activists within the popular movement in Iran, a powerful new strike has been launched by project workers operating in the oil and gas fields, petrochemical complexes, power plants, and industrial projects in the southern region of the country. So far, nearly 20,000 workers have joined the strike.

This year’s campaign, referred to asthe “14-14 Campaign,” ispart of aseries of strike actionsby project workers that started four years ago. Over 110,000 project workers took part in the strikes in the second year, forcing both the government and employers to accedeto their demands. The government even agreed to restrict and halt the operation of contract employment agencies (human resource brokers). However, due to the Iranian regime’s political and legal constraintson the presence and effective functioning of labour unions, none of the workers’ demands have been realized thus far. The Ministry of Labour and state authorities have practically evaded the implementation of the agreements.

The planned strike of project workers, which wasbeing talked about for weeks, was kicked off on June 20following a precise and calculated plan drawn up by seasoned labour activists and trade unionists and the core demands of workers operating in critical oil facilities and key industrial projects was set forth. According to the reports released by the trade union activists on the ground, 3,000 workers spanning 30 different companies and projects, ranging from various phases ofAsaluyehprojects to Dasht-e Abbas, from Bandar Jask to the refineries in Isfahan, have joined the strike. These included welders hired by “Steam” company at the Islamabad Gharb petrochemical plant to welders and assembly workers at “Sadra” company in Bandar Jask, all uniting under the strike’s banner.

The main demands of the project workers at refineries, petrochemical plants, and other oil and gas complexes and power plants include the elimination of employment agencies acting as intermediary human resource contracting companies between the workers and the oil and gas companies, implementation of a work schedule of 14 days onthe job followed by 14 days off (similar to what is established for permanent employees), wage increasesbased on thetables provided by the “Project Workers’ Demands Campaign” consistent withwork experience, job complexity,education, technical skills, and job site region. Workers are also demanding improvements in living conditions, enhanced cleanliness and sanitation in dormitories, better food quality in canteens, and improved transportation services to and from the “site”, both in terms of safety and installation of effective air conditioning and ventilation where temperatures exceed 50 degrees Celsius in the region.

According to the field reports released as of this morning, a staggering 19,000 project workers from 86 companies operatingwithin the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries have joined the strike.It is expected that thousands more will join in the upcoming days. The reports suggestthat the strikes are gaining momentum and it is anticipated that more workersfromother parts of the oil and gas industry will join the unified ranks of the strike actions. On Saturday June 22nd, the Council for Organizing Non-Permanent Oil Workers’ Protests (Third Pillar) asserted its unison and solidarity with the Project Workers’ Demands Campaign and called on the Third Pillar workers and all other workers across various sectors to join the nationwide oil strikes. This plea is made amidthe release of multiple reports detailingthat workers are being threatened with dismissal and “blacklisting.” Employers are trying to dissuade workers from participating in the strikesby using threats, intimidation, and deceitful offers. Under the current complex political situation in Iran, it is imperative thatthe oppressive regime and employers are not allowed to disregard and mistreat the legal and legitimate demands of workers by exerting pressure and depravation upon them.

The Tudeh Party of Iran supports the currentlegitimate strike action of project workers in Iran’s oil and gas industries. The Tudeh Party of Iran urges the communist and worker parties and international trade union organizations worldwide to actively support the workers and working people of Iran and to express solidarity with their just struggle for peace, legitimate rights, trade union freedoms, and social justice.

The Tudeh Party of Iran


25June 2024

For the statements of the Tudeh Party of Iran and its analysis of major developments in Iran Please visit:    www.tudehpartyiran.org

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