Newsweek celebrates Poland LGBTQ ; American pedophiles take advantage of a legal loophole that the rest of the world long ago closed. They may marry the victim, sometimes as young as 12, and rape her legally.

Posted on June 26, 2024


Newsweek Polska

Polish weekly news magazine


Newsweek Polska is a Polish language weekly news magazine published in Poland as the Polish edition of Newsweek.

American pedophiles take advantage of a legal loophole that the rest of the world long ago closed. They may marry the victim, sometimes as young as 12, and rape her legally. And the victim often cannot count on any help because… she is a minor under the care of an adult husband

According to absurd regulations, a child, although capable of entering into marriage, does not obtain full subjectivity in the light of civil law before the age of 18. In other words: she is completely at the mercy of her older husband. He often forbids his underage wife from going to school, isolates her from her peers, and forces her to give birth again. And she can’t file for a divorce. If she runs away, the police must arrest her and hand her over to her husband, who also exercises guardianship (closer to the Polish concept of parental authority). And if so, he is basically allowed to use corporal punishment for disobedience that is permissible throughout the US: spanking, beating with a belt or a special wooden bat, slapping, pinching. According to Human Rights Watch activists, stricter standards apply in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. The most beautiful day of life 13-year-old Judy Wiegand from Kentucky was raped by a man a decade her senior. It soon turned out that she was pregnant. God-fearing parents ruled out abortion. They decided that the child must have a father. They gave the rapist permission to marry their daughter. The husband did not work, took drugs, and took out his frustrations on his wife. He insulted, pulled out hair, beat and kicked. Sheriff’s deputies, if they arrived at all, had to take the adult’s testimony at face value. After a while they stopped coming. Judy gave birth to a daughter, which meant goodbye to teaching. She was too young to get a driver’s license, and school buses weren’t allowed on infants. Employment laws prevented the girl from taking up work. When she was 15, she couldn’t stand it, took the child and ran away. No neighbor opened the door. The penalty for interfering in intramarital disputes was a bullet in the head. An old moonshiner from the forest, who was out of the way of the locals, helped. Judy didn’t call the police. She knew that the officers’ hands were tied. The lady from Child Protective Services (CPS) explained that she too: Married women are not protected. What remained was the shelter and social welfare – childcare allowance, food vouchers, medical insurance for the poorest. Today, Mrs. Wiegand is a doctor. She gave the above testimony six years ago to the state legislature, which was debating whether to raise the legal age of marriage to 17. “As of 2018, only 12 states have enacted laws prohibiting minors from marrying.” Skylar’s mother began using her daughter as bait when she was 13 years old. They went to bars together, picked up single guys, whose mother then took them to bed, allowing her to benefit from her daughter’s charms. Three years later, she found a permanent partner, and when he became interested in the 16-year-old, she decided to marry her off. She chose a fiancé twice her age. A week after the first meeting, the wedding took place. During the ceremony, the bride burst into tears. One of the clerks scolded: “Come on. It’s the most beautiful day of your life.” Skylar was regularly raped by her husband. He forbade him to leave the house, watch TV or listen to the radio. She gave birth to a son and a daughter. She escaped after four years. She will not get her children back because, according to the law, she abandoned them when she left home. She trembles at the thought that her daughter will soon start puberty. My ex-husband likes pubescent girls. She testified before the Maryland Congress, which was considering a bill to increase the age of potential spouses from 15 to 17 in 2022. Sara Tasneep’s parents divorced when she was very young. She lived with her mother in Colorado. When she turned 15, she moved to California to live with her father. There she realized that her parents wanted to get rid of her. Dad introduced a 28-year-old man to Sarah. When the girl became pregnant, the three of them went to Nevada, where legalizing the relationship required the written consent of one parent. Sarah felt like she was dreaming. She remembers dreaming of going sledding on the way back, because the route led through the mountains, but the elders wouldn’t let her. She escaped from her husband’s tutelage seven years later. It took another three years to complete the divorce. She regained her freedom on the condition that she waived alimony for two children. She told her story to Nevada lawmakers, who raised the marriage age to 17 in 2019. You’re pregnant, you little sinner Sherry Johnson was a happy child. She lived in a small Pentecostal community in Florida. My mother married a vice-bishop, and the bishop lived with his aunt. One day, when Sherry was eight, the leader of the congregation answered the door instead of her aunt. He promised money for lunch if the girl came into the bedroom. There he raped her. She washed away the blood leaking down her legs in the school toilet. Only a week later, not fully understanding what had happened, she told her mother about the incident. She got terribly angry and warned that for slandering a holy man, the little girl would go to hell, and the devils would burn her in tar for eternity. So the terrified girl did not protest when the bishop returned repeatedly. Like her stepfather and 20-year-old deacon. The priests had keys to the rectory, they came at night. Sherry decided that yes

This is how it should be. Before she turned 11, a nurse called her for an examination. Soon my mother came to school. “You’re pregnant, you little sinner!” – she screamed. The child did not know the meaning of this word. The gynecologist said it was the seventh month. To avoid embarrassment, the church leaders sent the girl to Miami to give birth. The bishop was carrying her, and on the way they had intercourse again. SEE ALSO Ukraine, May 2024. A Ukrainian soldier fires artillery. War | Ukrainians hit their targets. Russian anti-aircraft defense ridiculed again Vladimir Putin War | While the West was busy helping Ukraine, they were not idle. “They took advantage of the attack” When she returned to Tampa with the baby, the authorities became interested in the matter, so her mother married her off to a deacon. The judge did not ask embarrassing questions and signed the consent. The wedding was performed by the bishop. The 11-year-old was wearing a white dress with a veil, cutting a cake and smiling, posing for a souvenir photo. The joy was short-lived. Her friends were going to sixth grade, she had to change diapers, shop, cook her husband dinners, and clean. When she turned 17, she turned to Legal Aid, which arranged for a divorce. She was left alone with six children. She started lobbying for more stringent regulations in 2012. The law came into force six years later. We can read many similar stories on the website of the Tahirih Justice Center, an organization fighting for reforms. Older husbands – sometimes several times – abused their married children, rented them out to other adults, treated them as free servants, not to mention pedophilic relations under the law. The ban on marriage for people under 18 is a new concept in America. As of 2018, only 12 states – mostly Democratic ones on the East Coast – have introduced laws prohibiting minors from marrying. During the first two decades of the 21st century, 300,000 contracts were concluded in the USA. such weddings. As a rule (according to various calculations – 78-95 percent of cases), an adult man took as his wife a child who was incapable of other legal acts. One fifth of partners did not exceed the so-called age of consent – without marriage, intercourse with her would be treated as statutory rape. Changes to the regulations are opposed almost exclusively by Republicans. They claim that preventing girls who become pregnant from legalizing their relationship leads to an increase in the number of abortions. In terms of child marriage, the Bible Belt states lead the way: West Virginia, Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and Kentucky. And California, Oklahoma, Idaho, North Dakota, Wyoming, Utah. And Nevada, because people from out of state come there to get married without any preliminary formalities in roadside booths open 24 hours a day, pompously called chapels. Scientists studying 200,000 underage marriages concluded between 2000 and 2015 found that 67 percent brides are over 17 years old, 29 percent – 16 years old, 4 percent – 15 years, 1 percent (2 thousand!) – 14 years old. In addition, they found 51 brides aged 13 and six aged 12. Let the will of heaven be done Everywhere except the 12 states mentioned above, exceptions are allowed, even if the law requires that you be of age. Generally, it involves an application from the parents and an initial of the court secretary, or less often the judge. Circumstances justifying automatic non-application of general provisions include pregnancy or the birth of a child. As a result, four states do not apply any age limit. Theoretically, you can get married there with a newborn. Practically, the courts refer to common law, i.e. 12 years for girls, 14 years for boys. Two states enforce age requirements of 15, 21-16, and 10-17. Interesting fact: before 2017, in New York it was allowed to marry a 14-year-old child. Most legislators are unaware of the laws in their districts. After listening to the activists, Tahirih Justice Center and Unchained At Last generally meet the demands. Although not everyone. Wyoming Republicans rejected the reform bill as contrary to the interests of unborn children, as well as born children who should have a family. Even if it is a family consisting of a rapist, a victim and the fruit of rape. “If a man and a woman have the ability to conceive and bear children before the age of 16, they must also have the right to marry for the benefit of their offspring,” the state Republican Party committee said. The right-wing resistance is part of a broader ideological dispute. The divisions are reflected in the map we see every four years during the presidential elections. The blue coast and the north-east are the stronghold of the left, the red center – the stronghold of the right. In the conservative “heartland” – or if you prefer: the “flyover zone” – the recommendations of the Bible are unquestionable norms coming from God. They define the boundaries of good and evil. The Old Testament God was very interested in sex, and he punished deviations severely – as the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah proves. That is why the wedding of two adult gays remains “disgusting” for most residents of the Bible Belt “ability”, because this is how the Third Book of Moses defines physical intercourse between men. However, the ability to enter into marriage is determined, according to the holy texts, by sexual maturity. All this has little to do with morality, especially common sense. It is a dispute of opposing ideologies. The leading example of this dispute is abortion, which is not forbidden by God’s word. Few people remember that it became a bone of contention thanks to beer baron Joseph Coors, who sponsored Ronald Reagan in 1979. Because Jimmy Carter did not drink, did not smoke, did not cheat on his wife, condemned gambling, before taking office he walked around houses with the Bible and urged people to be born again for Christ, the billionaire’s strategists came up with a hook for him in the form of terminating pregnancies. Namely, he was a Southern Baptist, and this church was not opposed to the “murder of unborn children.” Like most Protestant denominations traditionally believe that the fetus becomes a person when it begins to move (18-21 weeks of pregnancy). The Catholic Church shared this opinion until 1869. A competing criterion referred to the Book of Genesis, which says that the Creator blows the soul through the lungs, so it cannot be received until the organ is formed (around the 37th week). The dispute was artificially created for political purposes, and yet abortion opponents have no doubt that they are defending the principles established by God. Which, following this line of reasoning, supports pedophilia.

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