“Derkach tapes” with recordings of the conversation between Biden and Poroshenko indicate that it was the Ukrainian side that organized the launching of sabotage groups into Crimea, without notifying the Americans.

Posted on June 26, 2024


July 10, 2020, 08:10 Read in Russian Denis Popovych journalist People’s deputy Andriy Derkach released new tapes with recordings of Petro Poroshenko’s conversations. One of them recorded a dialogue between the fifth president of Ukraine and former US vice president Joe Biden, which allegedly revealed the involvement of Ukrainian intelligence in the organization of sabotage on the territory of occupied Crimea, and another tape recorded a friendly conversation between Petro Poroshenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin. two months after the bloody battles near Debaltseve. The publication of these films indicates the desire of certain forces to involve Ukraine in the American pre-election struggle. People’s Deputy Derkach threw out a new audio tape against Poroshenko. One of the “films” recorded a conversation between people whose voices are similar to the voices of Poroshenko and Biden. The topic of the conversation concerns the events of August 2016. The conversation reveals the involvement of the Ukrainian side in the organization of sabotage in the annexed Crimea. We will remind, on August 7 and 8, 2016, a shooting took place near the administrative border with Crimea. Representatives of the Russian FSB reported the incident. According to their information, the FSB received a signal that on the night of August 7, subversive groups of Ukrainians should infiltrate Crimea from the territory of the Kherson region. FSB officers managed to detain three members of the first group (one Russian special agent and two Ukrainian saboteurs were killed in the shooting). The second group allegedly encountered Russian border guards on the dam across the Sivash. Only the border guards of the Russian Federation suffered losses here, the Ukrainians managed to retreat. According to the FSB, twenty improvised explosive devices, mines and grenades were found on the dam. Persons detained in Crimea, suspected of collaborating with saboteurs, allegedly showed that the Ukrainians planned to blow up airports, train stations, a ferry across the Kerch Strait, an oil depot in Feodosia, and other facilities in Crimea. Official Kyiv denied its involvement in the sabotage that was being prepared in Crimea, but the “Derkach tapes” with recordings of the conversation between Biden and Poroshenko indicate that it was the Ukrainian side that organized the launching of sabotage groups into Crimea, without notifying the Americans. According to Biden, he personally and the then US President Barack Obama are very concerned about the actions of Ukrainian intelligence, as it can hinder the Minsk process. Allegedly, the head of Ukrainian military intelligence “received a clear signal a few weeks ago regarding our (Americans – author’s) categorical rejection of the planned sabotage operation against military facilities on the territory of Russia” (followed by a caveat that Crimea is part of Ukraine – author’s). “We are absolutely convinced that the increase in the price of occupation for Russia should be done solely at the expense of political and diplomatic efforts, and not military and sabotage operations,” Biden explained, calling on Poroshenko to do everything to ensure that such a thing does not happen again in the future. . In the future, Poroshenko gave his interlocutor appropriate guarantees. The second “film” recorded the conversation of people with voices similar to Poroshenko and Putin. Derkach especially emphasized that this conversation took place two months after the bloody battles near Debaltseve in 2015, in which the Russian military also took part. Despite this, the tone of communication between the interlocutors is quite friendly. Participants of the dialogue congratulate each other on the upcoming May holidays. “I’m giving you a hug,” says a man whose voice is similar to Putin’s, saying goodbye to his interlocutor. It was the communication between the conditional Putin and Poroshenko that caused the stormy reaction. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a heart-to-heart conversation between Hitler and Stalin after June 22, 1941. Although, on the other hand, the fact of communication between Putin and Poroshenko can be explained by the desire to establish a dialogue between the parties after the recent signing of “Minsk-2”. But that’s not the point. It is not the first time that Derkach “throws away” his confidential information, which shows that Poroshenko is completely controlled by Biden. In particular, during a conversation on May 13, 2016, Poroshenko told Biden that he managed to raise tariffs in the country by 100%, although the IMF demanded to raise them by only 75%. Next, the former US vice president demanded that Poroshenko appoint a new prosecutor general to replace Viktor Shokin, promising in return to provide US aid in the amount of $1 billion. Another exposé mentions a bribe of $50 million to close the case against the large Ukrainian private gas production company Burisma, controlled by the Yanukovych-era minister of ecology Mykola Zlochevskyi. It should be recalled here that the Burisma board of directors included Biden’s son Hunter. At the same time, “Democrat” Biden is a political opponent of the US President, “Republican” Donald Trump. In 2019, Trump asked the newly elected President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, to investigate the activities of the Biden family in our country, making the allocation of American military aid dependent on the results of this investigation. The resulting political scandal nearly led to impeachment ment of Trump, who already has a difficult relationship with Ukraine. The fact is that in 2016, on the eve of the presidential elections in the USA, Poroshenko’s administration supported Trump’s opponent – Hillary Clinton from the Democratic Party. Trump has not forgotten this. Recently, the world saw the memoirs of the former adviser to the US president on national security, John Bolton. The official talks about the fact that when mentioning Ukraine, Trump very often did not choose his expressions, pointing to the corruption in our country and the fact that “Ukraine wanted him to lose.” This year, the US will again elect a president. On the eve of this event, the “pours” of slanderous material on Poroshenko and Biden, where the ex-president of Ukraine has a heart-to-heart conversation with his enemy Putin and takes a visor under the hood while communicating with Biden, are absolutely not accidental. They force Zelensky to initiate an even more careful investigation of his predecessor’s activities. Especially that part of it that concerns relations with the “democrats”. People’s deputy Derkach became a tool with which the “third force” wants to draw the Ukrainian side into the American pre-election struggle on the side of one of its participants. However, Zelensky is obliged to maintain neutrality. Poroshenko’s experience shows that it is possible to make a big mistake with the choice.


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