Hillary Clinton’s visit to Kyiv will be symbolic and ineffective – an American expert

Posted on June 20, 2024


01 July 2010, 02:58

Prague – President Viktor Yanukovych’s policy undermines the independence of Ukraine and can change the strategic balance in Europe, according to Steven Lerreby, head of the program on European security issues at the American analytical corporation REND. In an interview with RFE/RL, the Washington expert commented on the external course of the Ukrainian authorities and the upcoming visit to Kyiv by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is scheduled to arrive in Ukraine on July 2.

Head of the program on European security issues at the American analytical corporation “REND” Steven Lerreby – What do you expect from the visit of the head of the US State Department to Ukraine? – In my opinion, this visit will be primarily symbolic. She will come to Kyiv to tell Ukrainians and the world that the USA has not forgotten about Ukraine, still has its interests there and is particularly interested in the democratic development of Ukraine. I do not expect many specific results, but it will be a psychological and political signal that the USA will continue to cooperate with Ukraine.

– Before Hillary Clinton’s visit, the US ambassador to Kyiv expressed concern about reports of pressure on Ukrainian journalists. And the State Secretary herself will meet in Ukraine not only with politicians, but also with media representatives. You said there would be few results from Mrs. Clinton’s visit, or does that apply to this area as well?
– It depends on whether Ukrainians want to have good relations with the USA. If not, they will continue to put pressure on independent media and public organizations. Hillary Clinton will prove that the US is very concerned about the issue of free press and will try to draw attention to the problem of oppression of journalists.

– What levers of influence does the USA have on Ukraine? Even during the time of Viktor Yushchenko, whom some consider a pro-American President, it was rumored that Washington could have little influence on the course of events on the banks of the Dnieper. What “whips” and “pies” do the Americans currently have for Ukraine?

– Regarding “pies”, it is clear that Ukraine needs financial assistance and the USA has certain opportunities here. The United States can also influence the decisions of the International Monetary Fund. Therefore, to some extent, there is an economic impact. As for “whips”, there are not many of them in the USA. The fact is that relations with Ukraine are deteriorating very quickly due to Mr. Yanukovych’s policies. He doesn’t seem to understand the difference between seeking balance and submission. He rapidly moved towards rapprochement with Russia, which endangers the independence of Ukraine and its democratic development.

– As an expert on European security issues, how do you assess the non-alignment policy announced by the President of Ukraine?

– This is a neutral position in name only. In fact, we are talking about very close relations with Russia, when Moscow has more and more influence on Ukrainian politics. I am convinced that Ukraine should have good relations with Russia, but true neutrality should consist in Ukraine also following a European course and doing what is necessary for this. But Mr. Yanukovych does not do this. He extended the lease of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, this undermines the independence of Ukraine, not strengthening it.

– Are new Ukrainian-American initiatives in the field of security and defense possible now?

– I doubt it. So far, I have not seen Mr. Yanukovych showing interest in strengthening Ukraine’s security. He made it clear that he was not interested in joining NATO and strengthening contacts with the Western defense establishment.

– The United States assures that the reset of its relations with Russia in no way reduces the importance of American-Ukrainian relations. And yet, what impact could such a policy have on Ukraine?

– I do not think that the reset of American-Russian relations could affect Ukrainian foreign policy. The US has made it clear that it does not accept the concept of a sphere of interests, privileged interests, of any country, including Russia. The USA also declared its desire to deepen relations with Ukraine. But due to Mr. Yanukovych’s policy, it is quite difficult to do this.

– Do you see at least something positive that is being done in Ukraine under the new government?

– So far, very little. The presented reform program has some positive aspects. But there is every reason to be skeptical whether these promises will be fulfilled. I see some encouraging signs, but they are very weak given the course Mr. Yanukovych has taken and his previous policies.

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