Emails do not burn. Tymoshenko, Pinchuk and Yanukovych in Hillary Clinton’s mail-

Posted on June 20, 2024


Tatyana Kozyreva — Wednesday, March 22, 2017, 09:31

Search results for documents in the virtual reading room Collection: Litigation_F-2016-07895_5

371 new letters from Hillary Clinton’s mailbox during her tenure at the State Department were published by Wikileaks on March 3, 2017.

Created a year ago, the public archive of the State Secretary’s correspondence totals more than 30,000 e-mails.

Only on January 29, 2016, representatives of the State Department for the first time admitted that 22 letters of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, which she sent from her personal mail, contained information that falls under the label “top secret”.

The presidential candidate from the Democratic Party of the USA admitted her “mistake” during the election campaign . However, this did not save Clinton from defeat.

The 50,547 pages of the Hillary Clinton Wikileaks archive cover the period from June 30, 2010 to August 12, 2014.

Ukraine is mentioned 120 times in the letters of the Secretary of State. If you ignore the press reviews, public statements and visit schedules, the majority of those mentions concern the political prisoner Yulia Tymoshenko and the two Victors – the oligarch Pinchuk and President Yanukovych.

On February 27, 2010 , on the third day after Viktor Yanukovych’s inauguration, a letter with the subject “THANK YOU” was sent to the personal email address of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton .

“We returned from Ukraine in a time of strong winds, which became a metaphor for the current situation in Ukraine. The presence of the United States was highly appreciated. I saw the Pinchuks who addressed their congratulations to you… also to Mr. Kuchma. The meeting with Yanukovych went well,” Hillary Clinton addressed ambassador for women’s affairs Melanie Verveer.

A person from the close circle of the presidential family was both an assistant to the president and the head of the first lady’s administration in the Clinton White House.

As UP wrote in “The Battle for Washington. The Pinchuk Lobby” , Melanie Verveer’s name often appears in reports to the US Department of Justice by Doug Schon , a lobbyist for Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Pinchuk.

It was through the ambassador for women’s affairs, Doug Schon, that established Pinchuk’s long-term relationship with Clinton.

In her personal correspondence with the current Secretary of State, Melanie Verveer, an American of Ukrainian origin, sometimes does not shy away from using a Ukrainian word.

“As they say in Ukraine, “mnohaya lita” wishing you many years to come! ( As they say in Ukraine, “mnohaya lita”, wishing longevity),” Vervir wrote on Clinton’s birthday.

Returning from a business trip to Kyiv as part of the American delegation to the inauguration of Viktor Yanukovych, where Melanie Verveer was included at the request of Clinton, the ambassador for personal assignments for women’s affairs in a letter to the Secretary of State calls the newly elected president of Ukraine simply, by the first letter of the surname, “Y” (“Y” – UP).

“Gen (General – UP) Jones did a good job and I (Yanukovych – UP) said the right things about the IMF, integration with the West and so on. He (Yanukovych – UP) will come to Washington in April for the Nuclear Security Summit, but he said who wants to come sooner.”

That spring, as part of a visit to Washington, Yanukovych handed the USA highly enriched uranium inherited from the USSR. Political observers called Kyiv’s broad gesture the “main success” of the Nuclear Security Summit.

“Jones told him that you want to come sometime, and he (Yanukovych – UP) was pleased, asked for help, and seemed to be ready to cooperate in any way,” Vervier noted in the letter shortly before Yanukovych’s visit to the United States and added : “Of course, the future will show whether these are just words, what the Russians will do… This is a difficult situation that needs our leadership.”

“Thanks for coming. I might try to go later this month,” Hillary Clinton replied .

The first official trip of the US Secretary of State Yanukovych to Ukraine took place only six months ago. On a one-day visit on July 2, 2010, Hillary Clinton took Melanie Verveer.  Hillary Clinton and Viktor Yanukovych Presidential press service

“I want to express American support for the further integration of Ukraine into Europe. We hope that there will be progress in the negotiations on association agreements and liberalization of the visa regime,” the State Secretary granted Yanukovych’s request during her visit to Kyiv .

“NATO’s door is open for Ukraine, but it must decide for itself,” Clinton added. Instead, Yanukovych declared “non-alignment”.

A few months before Clinton’s visit, on May 12, 2010, a criminal case was “reopened” against Viktor Yanukovych, Yulia Tymoshenko’s main competitor in the presidential elections .

Already on May 17, the opposition leader was summoned to the Prosecutor General’s Office for the first time. On the same day, by coincidence, a wreath fell on President Yanukovych .

In the busy schedule of the one-day visit, between loud political statements about Ukraine’s European integration and lectures on democracy for KPI students, Clinton also found time to meet with Yulia Tymoshenko. In less than a year, the leader of the White Hearts was arrested.

On September 12, 2010 , two months after Hillary Clinton’s visit to Ukraine, Melanie Verveer once again reported on the situation in Ukraine: “There are elements in Ukraine that are trying to bring back the old bad times. is now being pursued by the Soros Foundation, and there are new obstacles to media freedom.”

In response, Clinton sent a laconic: “This is so sad, we will do everything we can.”

Already in a month, on October 4, Bill Clinton flew to Ukraine, although not on his own initiative, but at the invitation of the “Olena Franchuk Anti-AIDS Foundation”.

No matter how paradoxical it sounds, the 42nd president of the USA and the husband of the Secretary of State exchanged words with Yanukovych not about the suppression of freedom of speech – but about the results of the Yalta summit, the organizer of which is the oligarch Viktor Pinchuk.

Warm relations between the Clinton and Pinchuk families began long before Yanukovych’s inauguration.

In September 2004, at the end of the second term of Leonid Kuchma’s presidency, two months before the start of the Orange Revolution, the Ukrainian government signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Clinton Foundation’s HIV/AIDS Initiative.

According to the document, “The Clinton Foundation’s HIV/AIDS initiative will provide the government of Ukraine with the opportunity to purchase antiretroviral drugs at the expense of the state budget at Clinton Foundation prices . “

The process was initiated by Olena Franchuk, the daughter of President Leonid Kuchma and the wife of oligarch Viktor Pinchuk. 

The Clinton and Pinchuk families have warm relations Viktor Pinchuk Foundation

On September 23, 2011, Melanie Verveer’s desperate rhetoric about the situation in Ukraine took a polar opposite: “I met Pinchuk, whom Yanukovych asked to convey his interest in European integration (despite the mess in which they identify themselves in the last few weeks due to the Tymoshenko trial).”

It is interesting that in the year when oligarch Viktor Pinchuk ordered the US Secretary of State to speak for the President of Ukraine, not only opposition leaders Yulia Tymoshenko and Yuriy Lutsenko were under criminal prosecution, but also Pinchuk’s father-in-law, Leonid Kuchma.

The General Prosecutor’s Office opened a criminal case against him in March, and already in December, the Pechersk Court of the capital closed the case against the ex-president .

In 2011, official Kyiv came very close to concluding negotiations on the creation of a free trade zone with the EU and began to demand lower prices for Russian gas. In response, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin snapped: ” There will be no freebies .”

“They’re under a lot of pressure from the Russians. He’s looking for a way to get the Tymoshenko trial behind him, but regardless of the decision, they’re likely to keep her out of the election (not that she’s the strongest candidate anyway) “.

Less than a month after Hillary Clinton received this letter, on October 11, 2011, the white-hearted leader was sentenced to 7 years in prison .

On June 11, 2012, Melanie Verveer sends a letter to Hillary Clinton’s personal inbox with the telling subject line “Back to Search.”

“Had breakfast with Pinchuk. He will see you at lunch at Brookings. The situation in Ukraine looks bleak. As you know, Greg Craig is investigating the Tymoshenko case on behalf of the Government ( Government of Ukraine – UP ).”

Gregory Craig , whom Verveer mentioned in the letter, is the managing partner of the international law firm Skadden, Arps , Slate , Meagher & Flom LLP , which ultimately found no evidence of political motivation in Yulia Tymoshenko’s verdict.

The American company signed a “cooperation” agreement with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on the “recommendations” of political technologist Paul Manafort , who worked for the Party of Regions since 2004.

“Independent report ” by ” Skadden , Arps , Slate , Meagher & Flom LLP ” by a surprising coincidence cost less than 100 thousand hryvnias, so it was concluded without tender procedures.

In December 2012, the US State Department will express concern about the report of the American firm.

“It is expected that there will hardly be any changes before the October parliamentary elections,” Melanie Verveer concluded.

The reports of the American lobbyist Doug Schon to the US Department of Justice for 2012 indicate that, at the expense of the Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Pinchuk, Melanie Verveer organized a meeting between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Arseniy Yatsenyuk shortly before the parliamentary elections, where the “Motherland” is united with the “Front of Change” , received 102 deputy mandates.  Arseniy Yatsenyuk with Victoria Nuland and Jeffrey Payette

The Secretary of State’s correspondence regarding Ukraine published on Wikileaks is cut off in December 2012. Not a word about the Maidan, not a mention of the leaders and the Revolution of Dignity can be found in the archive.

Instead, the epistolary of the Yanukovych era testifies not only to Hillary Clinton’s constant contact with the Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Pinchuk, but also to the cooperation of the State Secretary with President Viktor Yanukovych “at the request” of Pinchuk.

On the other hand, correspondence through Clinton’s personal server indicates Pinchuk’s obvious interest in Yulia Tymoshenko’s release from prison before the 2012 parliamentary elections and Pinchuk’s contacts with opposition leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk.  

It is interesting that after losing the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian oligarch and the most generous sponsor of the Clinton Foundation, hired a person close to Donald Trump’s circle as a lobbyist for his own interests.

Monica Crowley was the main contender of the US president for the role of press secretary of the National Security Council, but after the plagiarism scandal , she refused the job. Currently, the American represents the interests of Viktor Pinchuk, who in an article in the American edition of the Wall Street Journal declared his desire to become a mediator in the cooperation of the United States with Russia, despite the occupation of Crimea and the war in eastern Ukraine.

Tetyana Kozyreva, UP  

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