NATO nuclear preparedness

Posted on June 19, 2024


June 17, 2024, 6:37 p.m

Russia’s war in Ukraine is entering an even hotter phase. Oleksandr Litvinenko, Secretary of the National Security Council of Ukraine, stated in an interview with “The Times” that Putin is ready to use tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine if he realizes that the Russian occupation army will fail.

It is noteworthy that the Kremlin and Minsk held joint exercises using non-strategic nuclear weapons. The exercises of Putin’s army were complex, and the maneuvers involved both land and sea military equipment, as well as strategic aviation.

At the end of the exercise, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus said that its military is ready to use a tactical nuclear arsenal…

Russian nuclear maneuvers have drawn the attention of the North Atlantic Alliance. Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of the Alliance, said in an interview with “Telegraph” that the North Atlantic Alliance is discussing the issue of strengthening nuclear weapons.

“In response to the growing threat from China and Russia, it is necessary to increase the arsenal of nuclear weapons. The bloc must show the world its nuclear capabilities, and this will be an open message to its opponents as well. Consultations were held with the member countries of the alliance to move nuclear weapons to combat readiness. I will not go into the operational details of how many nuclear warheads should be in combat readiness. We have to talk about these topics, and we are doing it,” the NATO Secretary General said while talking to “Telegraph”.

Stoltenberg also noted that NATO’s nuclear transparency should be a cornerstone of the alliance’s nuclear strategy to ensure NATO is ready to face a more dangerous world. Ten years ago, nuclear training was classified. And now Stoltenberg openly assesses the events, and also talks about the latest decision of the Dutch government to invest in dual-capable military aircraft capable of carrying American nuclear weapons. According to the NATO Secretary General, “Of course, NATO’s goal is a world without nuclear weapons, but as long as nuclear weapons exist, we will remain a nuclear alliance. Because a world where Russia, China and North Korea have nuclear weapons and NATO does not is more dangerous.”

The Secretary General of the alliance also spoke about China, which is developing modern weapons, including a nuclear arsenal. The number of nuclear warheads in combat readiness is classified, but the Telegraph estimates that Great Britain has 40 out of 225 warheads, and the US has 1,700 warheads out of 3,700. Interestingly, according to the International Campaign to Reduce Nuclear Weapons, compared to 2022, the cost of nuclear weapons in the world increased by 10 billion euros in 2023.

France, which is the third nuclear power of the North Atlantic Alliance and the only nuclear power of the European Union, has been activated due to the expected threats. This year, for the first time, a French nuclear aircraft carrier took part in NATO’s military exercises and was placed under NATO’s operational control.

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