Joy Behar believes Trump will take ‘The View’ off the air if he becomes president ( We Could Only Hope)

Posted on June 19, 2024


7 hours ago

Co-host of ABC’s ‘The View’ Joy Behar believes Donald Trump will remove her and MSNBC host Rachel Maddow’s show if he becomes president.

MSNBC host Maddow joined the show on Tuesday, where she aired her concerns about the 78-year-old becoming president again.

Behar believes The View and Maddow’s show could be targeted by the former president due to their criticisms of Trump.

“So you said recently that you thought that you, as an outspoken critic, could be a target yourself. Some people think that sounds overdramatic, but I’m right there with you,” Behar said.

Maddow responded to Behar, revealing she believes she’s just as worried about what the 45th president could do to other US citizens.

“I think it’s bad to have somebody saying, ‘Give me as much power as you can in this country so I can use it to go after other Americans, so I can use it to go after these subhuman internal enemies and I will destroy them,” Maddow said.

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