Germany: Scholz promises returns of migrants to their countries of origin

Posted on June 19, 2024


ht Omar Havana/AP By 

Symela Touchtidou It was published

19/06/2024 – 7:01 CEST

After the heavy defeat in the European elections, immigration is at the top of the agenda

Still fresh from the heavy defeat in the European elections, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is putting immigration at the top of his political agenda.

In a meeting with the leaders of the eastern states, he promised more returns of migrants to their countries of origin and better border control.

We want to forge immigration partnerships so we can do a better job of sending back those who have to go back because they can’t stay here. This is the biggest challenge. To ensure that we don’t go it alone, we need to find partners in the world to help us achieve our goals. But we are achieving it on a grand scale and will continue to do so

Olaf Solz Chancellor of Germany

Tension with Poland over the return of Afghans

German police have returned to Poland a family of Afghan asylum seekers who crossed into Germany from the Polish border without the necessary documents.

The event sparked strong reactions from the Polish government, and Donald Tusk said he would raise the issue with Solz at the next meeting of the two leaders.

Specifically, German authorities returned a family of five Afghan asylum seekers to the Polish side of their border near Osinow Dolny last Friday after they were arrested for illegally entering Germany without the necessary documents.

According to the current legislation, the lack of documents dictated their return to Poland, where they had received asylum.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk said he would discuss the “unacceptable incident” with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz during an informal EU meeting in Brussels this week.

The matter will also be discussed at the next meeting between Polish Interior Minister Tomasz Siemoniak and his German counterpart, Nancy Faeser, according to a spokesman for the Polish ministry.

Polish authorities complained that the Germans had not informed them of their intentions to return the Afghans.

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