US intelligence leader: Terrorist threat in the US has reached an unprecedented high ( So, What to the American People DO ? bring back color coded Alerts or wait for the election?)

Posted on June 18, 2024


Cao Van • Tuesday, June 18, 2024

US House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner recently warned that the possibility of a terrorist attack on US soil has reached its highest level. He called on President Biden’s administration to make public information about terrorist threats. Last week, the US arrested eight people suspected of having ties to the Islamic State (ISIS).
Michael Turner

Ohio Republican Representative Turner said in an interview with CBS News last Sunday (June 16) that this threat is no longer speculative or hypothetical but actually exists. He emphasized that currently there are terrorists actively operating in the United States and posing a threat to Americans.

According to Daily Mail, US law enforcement agencies last week arrested eight Tajiks in Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia, suspected of having ties to the Islamic State. The action comes after US officials warned for months of possible terrorist attacks in the US.

At the same time, the US State Department and Türkiye announced they would sanction three individuals related to ISIS and involved in assisting others to illegally enter the US.
The risk of terrorism increases

Although Mr. Turner did not confirm or deny details of those arrests, he pointed to recent testimony from top U.S. law enforcement officials warning of the growing threat of terrorist attack.

Earlier this month, Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray both said the US faces increasing terrorist threats since the Hamas attack on October 7, threatening has increased to its highest level.

WRay even said that currently there are many different threats to public security and national security. In his legal career, it is difficult to see a time when there were so many threats. Present.

WRay also mentioned the terrorist attack at a concert hall in Moscow that left many people dead, which was claimed by the Islamic State in Khorasan (ISIS-K). He warned that in the US there is growing concern that the possibility of similar attacks is increasing. In addition, he also expressed concern about human smuggling activities at the US-Mexico border, thereby calling for Mexico to provide more support measures.
Call on the government to make the situation public

In response to this issue, Mr. Turner requested that President Biden’s administration transparently disclose more information about high-level threats, thereby allowing the public to discuss the risks and threats that the government must face to face.

Senator Lindsey Graham (Republican of South Carolina) sent a letter to Senate leaders of both parties, requesting a confidential briefing on the threat from ISIS to all senators. He said that with the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 and lax border security, he has never been more worried about attacks on America.

Graham has warned that America is currently facing the risk of a terrorist attack similar to 9/11.

President Biden’s administration and Republicans have clashed for years over the border and immigration. Meanwhile, the number of illegal border crossings from Mexico into the US last December reached an all-time high. Although this year has decreased, the problem is still serious.

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