“Thieves of the mind” with narco-sedation ; Decriminalization of the use, supply and possession of all narcotics provides, among other things, the extremely dangerous bill, (heed the Communist warning – Biden Administration – democrat party)

Posted on June 18, 2024


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Decriminalization of the use, supply and possession of all narcotics provides, among other things, the extremely dangerous bill, which was submitted a few days ago to the Parliament. And it is no coincidence that the liberation of drugs comes at a time when brutality is being sought to be adopted as a way of life, democratic freedoms are shrinking, labor relations are being turned upside down, unemployment is soaring, poverty is giving way to destitution. The recipe is old, tried and true. In Argentina in 2001, at the height of the crisis, legal, cheap drugs circulate on its streets, it is overwhelmed by the “paco”, or otherwise “thief of the mind”, “exterminator of the poor”. Opinions were expressed about this story in Argentina, that the goal was:

“To exterminate a whole generation of teenagers and young people who would not have a job, would not have a place in schools and universities, would not have the possibility to join in any way with the which the generations occupy their place in society (…) The “package” is necessary to consolidate the exclusion and to ensure that there will not be thousands and millions of healthy and thinking young people who will establish a different society” , stated the representatives of country dealing with drug addiction. Through the legalization of drugs, capital and its political representatives ensure over time the manipulation and control of the popular strata, especially the youth, they create an additional safety valve for the survival of the existing inhumane, ruthless, exploitative capitalist system. In our country, in the role of a hare all the previous period, PASOK, ND, SYN, Environmental Greens and DIMAR were tearing their clothes for the “right” and “freedom” to use, mortgaging the future of the country, targeting the mind and the soul of an entire people, especially the young. They have given and are giving a vote of confidence to the substitute grant programs, which are constantly rewarded by securing legal and permanent dependents until their last breath. “The bill guarantees the right to treatment”, its initiators hypocritically claim, and at the same time they underfund even these existing structures of prevention and de-addiction from any substance, they open the doors wide for private individuals to get rich again from pain and suffering , depriving thousands of families of the opportunity to escape the hell of addiction. The people must rise up and demand the immediate withdrawal of the crime bill. To inoculate his children with the germ of implacable struggle and essential questioning, to lead them on the path of social evolution. The people who care about the future of this place and fight every day for a better tomorrow, must demand radical and subversive solutions that do not fit into legislation. Uprising of people and youth. NO to the false paradises of drugs that lead to collapse and death. NO to all drugs. NO to their legalization. NO to the separation into hard and soft.


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