Rutte’s appointment as NATO chief almost certain: ‘Nothing stands in his way’

Posted on June 18, 2024


Authors : BNR Webredactie and Myrthe Koopman

Hungary appears to still support the candidacy of outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte as Secretary General of NATO. Rutte and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán are said to have spoken about the issue prior to an informal EU summit in Brussels. “It was not said out loud during that meeting, but the two heads of government did shake hands,” says Europe correspondent Stefan de Vries. 

The two government leaders are often at odds with each other. That is striking, because they also happen to be the two longest-serving heads of government. “Orbán looked like a farmer with a toothache in the photo when he shook hands with Rutte,” says De Vries. ‘But he has apparently changed his mind. That happens often, because a few months ago the Hungarian Prime Minister went to the toilet during a vote on support for Ukraine. And even now it seems to have turned.’

For a while, Orbán stood in the way of Rutte’s appointment as NATO chief, and was one of the few NATO heads of government to express no support for Rutte. If Orbán actually changes tack, the only opponents left are Slovakia and Romania. Orbán played a high game around Rutte’s appointment and demanded, among other things, that Hungary should refrain from providing financial and military support to Ukraine. The current Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg already gave his blessing for this last week. “The folds have already been ironed out,” says De Vries.


Orbán also wanted Rutte to swallow previous statements about Hungary. For example, Rutte said that Hungary did not belong in the EU and threatened to force Hungary ‘to its knees’ in a row over the rights of sexual minorities. According to De Vries, it is not clear whether Rutte has actually apologized. “But it seems the two have agreed to focus on the future from now on.” This would also have removed the last stumbling block. ‘In fact, nothing stands in the way of Mark Rutte anymore.’

‘In fact, nothing stands in the way of Mark Rutte’

Stefan de Vries, Europe correspondent

It therefore seems almost certain that Rutte can count on a new job. However, nothing is known about the moment of the final appointment, because according to De Vries it all happens behind closed doors. What is interesting is that there is another EU summit taking place on June 27 and 28. Exactly on June 28, the intended Prime Minister Dick Schoof will visit the king for the introductory moment. “That is a unique event in political history, because there are two prime ministers: Rutte in Brussels and Schoof in The Hague,” said De Vries.

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