( Biden And EU Push – waiting for Payout) Lindsey Graham US senator,( He needs to go) calls Ukraine a “gold mine” that needs to be captured ( Its not About Ukrainians Freedom)

Posted on June 18, 2024


Huyen Chihuyenchi@viettimes.vnJune 10, 2024 23:46

VietTimes – Mr. Lindsey Graham said that allowing Russia to win the conflict would cause the US to lose access to huge mineral resources.US Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina, Republican) said Washington “cannot” allow Russia to win the Ukraine conflict because this would mean losing direct access to mineral resources. giant property.

In an interview with the CBS program “Face the Nation” on Sunday, Mr. Graham accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of being “paranoid” who is trying to “recreate the Russian Empire by force.” force”, starting from Ukraine.

He further stated that if Moscow wins the current conflict, it will take over Ukraine’s assets and share it with China. Mr. Graham described that scenario as “ridiculous”, saying it would be better if this “gold mine” was transferred to the US.

“Ukraine is sitting on important minerals worth between $10 and $12 trillion. They could be the richest country in Europe…If we help Ukraine now, they could become the best business partner we ever dreamed of, and vital mineral assets worth 10 to $12 trillion can be used by Ukraine and the West, not given to Mr. Putin and China,” Mr. Graham said.

“This is a very big problem. Help them win the war we cannot lose…They are sitting on a gold mine. Giving Mr. Putin $10 or $12 trillion in important minerals that he will share with China is ridiculous,” Mr. Graham said in the interview.

Congressman Graham – a hawk on Russia and one of the staunchest supporters of Ukraine in the US Senate – also called on the West to speed up the confiscation of $300 billion in frozen assets of the US. Russia.

He reiterated his request to list Russia as a “state sponsor of terrorism” under US law, a proposal that earlier this year landed the senator on Russia’s list of terrorists. extremists and terrorists.

The day before Graham spoke, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban argued that the West wanted Kiev to win its conflict with Russia so it could control Ukraine’s wealth.

In an interview with Hir TV, Mr. Orban accused the US and its allies of seeing Ukraine as a huge source of potential revenue that they would be able to control, if Russia were defeated. He also said the conflict was a big boost for Western “arms suppliers, creditors and speculators,” saying this was the reason it lasted so long.

Moscow has repeatedly stated throughout the conflict that its goal is to protect the largely Russian-speaking population of Donbass against Kiev’s repression and to ensure Russia’s own security against NATO’s this country’s borders.

Moscow claims that it has never voiced any intention to take over Ukraine’s resources, but has repeatedly emphasized that former Ukrainian regions that have chosen to join Russia, including Crimea, must remain under Moscow’s control.

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