Hillary Clinton will demand an end to the US blockade against Cuba

Posted on June 13, 2024


AIN July 30, 2015

That day the former Secretary of State plans to make a speech at Florida International University (FIU) and participate in a forum of the National Urban League, which brings together the black community, in Fort Lauderdale, north of Miami.

The note adds that during her interventions, Clinton will support the positions of President Barack Obama’s administration to restart diplomatic relations with the Caribbean nation.

Likewise, he will criticize his Republican opponents for defending what he considers “failed policies of the past,” he highlighted.

On several occasions the former first lady has defended the lifting of the blockade against the Antillean nation, imposed by Washington in 1962.

In his recent book Hard Choices, he assures that while he was at the head of the State Department (2009-2013), he recommended that President Obama review the policy of trade sanctions against Cuba and the ban on travel by US citizens to the island. .

During the forum in Fort Lauderdale, Clinton will meet with the former governor of Florida and Republican candidate for the White House, Jeb Bush, a staunch critic of the rapprochement between Washington and Havana.

Several initiatives arose in the US Congress aimed at modifying the application of the blockade after December 17, 2014, when Presidents Barack Obama and Raúl Castro announced the beginning of a process for the normalization of bilateral relations, the first stage of which was completed on July 20 with the opening of embassies.

Over the past few months and on several occasions, Obama urged the Capitol to lift the blockade.

Although the Democratic administration announced some measures in January to increase travel and trade with the island, the provisions are still limited, while the legal basis to eliminate the blockade that can only be dismantled by Congress remains intact.

The world community has condemned and demanded the immediate lifting of this coercive measure classified as genocide for 23 consecutive years in the UN General Assembly.

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