Dialogue with the people is to make a Revolution ; Yoel Pérez García, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in Guantánamo

Posted on June 13, 2024


Details Written by Dairon Martínez Tejeda // Photos: DMT Published on June 12, 2024

Yoel Pérez García, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in Guantánamo , together with government authorities in the province and municipality, developed this Tuesday again the popular exchange space Open Dialogue with the People, this time from the University Neighborhood, community in transformation of the main municipality.

Dedicated to informing about the main problems that affect the daily lives of Guantanamo residents, as well as knowing people’s opinions on government management, their concerns and proposals, the meeting served first of all to update on the current state of distribution of the basic regulated family basket.

In this regard, Joennys Samón Mora, Coordinator of Programs and Objectives of the provincial government, explained that despite the situation with fuel and the limitations imposed by the blockade , the transfer of food from different parts of the country to the warehouses is prioritized. Currently, the greatest stability is achieved in powdered milk, which is available until June 13 and a shipment is expected to complete the month.

discussing university neighborhood

In the case of flour, supply has also been improved to guarantee bread; in fact, between 30 to 50 tons are brought daily from Santiago de Cuba, which implies a high cost for the province. As for rice, three pounds are guaranteed for the month of June, which will be distributed as they arrive in the territory.

Furthermore, it is the Government’s will to redouble efforts to maintain the weekend fairs through strict control of planting and production plans, as well as encouraging the increase in patios and plots.

The basic basket is a living example of how much sacrifice the country makes for the people, said Pérez García, who clarified that the recent incorporation of Cuba to the list of state sponsors of terrorism further limits foreign trade and this has a hard impact on stability. of the basic basket that is paid in cash, without credits, and in foreign currency.

To illustrate in detail the high costs of the basket, he points out that last year, for example, a ton of rice was more than 600 dollars and now it exceeds 700 (Guantánamo requires 1,515 tons to deliver seven pounds per month), refined oil It costs more than 1,800 dollars per ton, powdered milk is valued at 5,052 dollars per ton…however, everything is guaranteed little by little and will continue that way because the population needs it.

In the popular participation and information space, Open Dialogue with the People, information was also provided on Oropouche disease, to help in the prevention and control of its impact.

Dr Nael Preval Campello, provincial director of Health, said that it is an arbovirus transmitted by two vectors, of which in Cuba we have the mosquito that proliferates on river banks, wells, places with ditches…

He insisted that to confront the disease, adequate environmental sanitation must be carried out in each neighborhood. Community participation is vital to combat the mosquito and achieve early care and detection of affected patients to prevent the progression of the disease and reduce risks.

Among the symptoms, the doctor said that Oropouche causes high fever (Guantánamo reports more than 150 febrile cases per week), discomfort in light, fatigue, muscle pain… given this discomfort that can last up to seven days of incubation, the first thing is to attend to the polyclinic, see the basic health equipment, get checked and rule out any danger.

After the general information about the province, Pérez García took the opportunity to learn details about the Barrio Universitario community, represented by delegate Yanaisi Calzada Jarrosay. She told him that as weaknesses she has 13 single mothers with more than three children, who need better care and most of them with highly deteriorated housing stock.

He explains that for years they have been waiting for the urbanization of the place, which involves the opening of a children’s house, a doctor’s office, the winery… in addition to solving the problems with water since the community is supplied by pipe. There are also 50 unemployed workers, some of whom want to be self-employed but sometimes their possibilities to obtain licenses have been limited.

Yoel Pérez García advised reviewing these demands and solving them gradually, according to the municipality’s real possibilities.

“You cannot make false promises, you have to act with intelligence and sincerity. This neighborhood, like the others we have visited, must be better served to improve the living conditions of our people, who from humility, respect and commitment reaffirms that we can count on them to continue making the Revolution.”

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