The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to grow its massive immigration detention system using a web of corrupt contracts that breed impunity for abuses

Posted on June 11, 2024


March 2021
This policy brief was authored by Jesse Franzblau, senior policy
analyst, National Immigrant Justice Center. For questions email
Policy Brief
Cut the Contracts:
It’s Time to End ICE’s Corrupt
Detention Management System
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to grow its massive immigration
detention system using a web of corrupt contracts that breed impunity for abuses. Government
watchdog agencies and lawmakers have long documented improper contracting practices and
farcical inspections practices in the immigration detention system that is plagued with
systemic racism and abuse. Yet as recently as January 2021, the Government Accountability
Office (GAO) reported on Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)’s intransigence in the
face of these reports and persistent failure to follow even its own protocols as the system
ICE’s detention system incentivizes incarceration for maximum profits. Congress gave ICE
nearly $3 billion for fiscal year 2021 to maintain more than 200 immigrant detention centers. In
this system, private prison companies grossly enrich themselves while local governments pad
shrinking budgets. The people trapped in this system, however, suffer severe human rights
ICE’s lack of oversight of this system has deadly consequences. Between January 2017 and
April 2020, 39 adults died in ICE custody or immediately after being released. The COVID-19
pandemic has further illuminated the deep suffering that results from ICE impunity. The number
of people who died in ICE custody in 2020 was more than double the prior year. As of the end of
February 2021, more than 300 of the 13,890 people still detained by ICE had COVID-19. Two
people had died in detention since President Biden took office.
NIJC joins immigrant rights advocates in the Detention
Watch Network’s Communities Not Cages campaign to call
on the Biden administration to shut down detention centers
immediately and end detention contracts. This policy brief:
1) provides a roadmap of the immigration detention
infrastructure and its contracting and inspections
processes; 2) summarizes the robust record of corruption
and abuse in these processes, as documented by
government watchdog agencies, advocates including NIJC,
and members of Congress; and 3) describes how corrupt
contracting shows up in the “first 10” detention centers
which the Communities Not Cages campaign has identified
should be shut down.
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A sprawling web of corrupt contracts
ICE’s detention system involves more than 200 facilities which involve contracts with private
prison companies, county and city jails, and state prisons. The system fuels perverse financial
incentives to keep more immigrants incarcerated, using “pass-through” arrangements,
guaranteed minimums, and long-term contract extensions to avoid accountability.
ICE manages detention facilities through a patchwork of contracts, including:

  • Non-Dedicated Intergovernmental Service Agreements (IGSA): Facilities owned by
    state or local governments, or private companies, which contract to hold people for ICE
    as well as other agencies, either together or separately.
  • Dedicated Intergovernmental Service Agreements (DIGSA): Facilities owned by
    state or local governments or private companies operated exclusively under an
    agreement with ICE to hold people in immigration proceedings.
  • Family Residential Centers (FRC): Facilities owned and operated by state or local
    governments under agreements with ICE which hold children and their families.
  • U.S. Marshals Service
    Agreements (USMS IGA):
    Contracted by the U.S.
    Marshals Service and used
    by ICE through a rider on
    the contract to detain
    people on behalf of ICE.
  • Service Processing
    Centers (SPC): Facilities
    owned by ICE and generally
    operated by contracted
    detention staff. ICE
    contracts with private
    companies for services
    such as guards, food, and
    facility maintenance.
  • Contract Detention
    Facilities (CDF): Facilities
    owned and operated by
    private companies and
    contracted directly by ICE to
    exclusively hold people in
    ICE custody.
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    “Pass-through” contracts
    The most commonly used contract arrangement, the IGSA, operates in a manner that
    compounds the opacity and corruption inherent to ICE detention. These contracts usually entail
    a “pass-through” arrangement, allowing local officials to act as middlemen for ICE and private
    companies. With these agreements, ICE contracts with local governments, side-stepping
    procurement laws that govern contracts with private companies. The counties or municipalities
    hosting the detention centers then contract directly with the same private companies that
    operate the facilities, receiving kick-back funds from the private operators. The most recent
    GAO findings assert that ICE uses IGSAs intentionally to bypass procurement laws and open-
    government requirements.
    In 2018, the DHS Inspector General documented that ICE’s policies and procedures for
    negotiating, executing, and modifying IGSAs were insufficient. The investigation found the IGSA
    for one of the largest and most expensive detention centers — the South Texas Family
    Residential Center in Dilley, Texas — to be improper under federal procurement law. In this
    arrangement, the city of Eloy, Arizona, collected over $400,000 a year through an IGSA for a
    detention center 900 miles away. The company CoreCivic operated the facility and received the
    most financial benefit from the agreement, which cost taxpayers $261 million from 2014 to 2016.
    The January 2021 GAO report stated that ICE contended there is no legal requirement to award
    an IGSA competitively.
    Another stunning example of this
    questionable arrangement is the Adelanto
    Detention Center in California, which first
    operated under an IGSA that paid GEO
    Group $112 per day per person, while the city
    of Adelanto made about $1 million annually
    off the deal. California auditors found that
    GEO Group used the IGSA arrangement to
    inappropriately negotiate with ICE to amend
    Adelanto’s contract to detain more people.
    After California passed laws to prevent the
    expansion of immigration detention in the
    state (SB 29 and AB 103), GEO Group
    convinced the governments of Adelanto and
    other cities to terminate their IGSAs,
    promising extra-contractual payments in
    return. In March 2019, Adelanto ended its
    IGSA, and ICE awarded a $62 million sole-
    source short-term contract directly with GEO
    Group, bypassing the competitive
    procurement process. This created the
    circumstances for ICE to secure long-term
    private contracts that are at issue in ongoing
    A shower stall at Adelanto Detention Center in May 2018
    (Credit: DHS Inspector General)
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    ICE also frequently places riders on contracts between the U.S. Marshals and local prisons,
    jails, or private detention facilities, a contract mechanism that allows detention expansion with
    even fewer barriers than direct contracts or IGSAs. Acquiring detention space in a local jail or
    private facility with a USMS agreement in place is the fastest and easiest option for ICE to
    expand because it does not have to negotiate any new terms, rates, or conditions — ICE is
    simply added to the Marshals’ existing agreement. At the end of fiscal year 2019, the January
    2021 GAO report states, 17 percent of people in ICE detention were held under such
    agreements despite repeatedly documented neglect and systemic abuse in these facilities.
    Guaranteed minimums & wasteful spending
    A number of ICE detention contracts include guaranteed minimums, or “bed quotas,” which
    require ICE to pay contractors for a minimum number of detention beds regardless of whether
    those beds are used. From fiscal years 2017 to 2019, ICE increased its number of contracts and
    agreements with guaranteed minimums by about 38%. As of May 2020, the GAO found, ICE
    was paying around $20.5 million a month in empty bed space.
    The money wasted on unused beds is part of ICE’s bloated spending, which has climbed from
    $3.3 billion annually in 2003 to $7.9 billion for fiscal year 2021. Congress appropriated around
    $2.83 billion in fiscal year 2021 to fund detention. In addition to paying for detention beds, ICE
    shells out millions in taxpayer dollars on hundreds of contracts with companies for a range of
    services, including food, guards from military contractors and mercenary firms, transport for
    children to detention shelters and hotels, and surveillance technology. (See ICE’s FOIA library
    for hundreds of these contracts)
    Long-term contract extensions
    ICE regularly signs detention center contracts extending a decade a more with minimal
    transparency or oversight. For example, in December 2019, ICE entered long-term contracts
    worth billions in California, just days before the law AB 32 was set to go into effect to restrict the
    use of private immigration detention facilities in the state. The 15-year contracts included
    Adelanto and Mesa Verde, run by GEO Group; the Otay Mesa Detention Center, run by
    CoreCivic; and the Imperial Regional Detention Center, run by Management and Training
    Corporation (MTC). California’s congressional representatives charged in November 2019 that
    ICE’s solicitation process appeared to have been tipped toward the three for-profit companies
    operating immigration detention centers in the state, a potential violation of federal procurement
    More recently, in August 2020, ICE renewed contracts with GEO Group and CoreCivic to run
    two Texas facilities for an additional 10 years. CoreCivic told investors that it signed a 10-year
    contract renewal with ICE at the Hutto Residential Center in Texas and expected a similar
    award for the Houston Processing Center. GEO Group similarly announced that it had signed a
    new 10-year contract for the South Texas Detention Complex in Pearsall, Texas. More than 45
    organizations and members of Congress strongly opposed the contract extensions. Still, many
    of the contracts’ details remain shrouded in secrecy.
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    ICE’s sham oversight scheme
    ICE’s oversight system is aptly described as a “theater of compliance,” constructed to cover up
    abuses and avoid accountability. ICE has several tools that are supposed to identify and correct
    deficiencies in detention centers, including ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations’
    contracted annual inspections (carried out by private companies); ICE’s Office of Detention
    Oversight inspections; and Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans (QASPs), which allow for
    reports on abuses and financial penalties. In practice, however, inspections involve performative
    reviews of detention facilities designed to ensure unabated federal funds for local counties and
    private contractors.
    ICE’s annual inspection program, for example, uses preannounced visits, allowing operators to
    hide evidence of abuse ahead of time. Congress reported in September 2020 that the
    contractors paid to conduct these inspections generally fail to identify deficiencies, and DHS
    rarely does anything when they do. ICE officials have called such inspections “useless” because
    they are “very, very, very difficult to fail.” When the DHS Inspector General conducted
    unannounced visits, it found utter disregard for human life, including overly restrictive
    segregation, inadequate medical care, and hanging nooses in cells. Congress also reported,
    during the pandemic, that DHS fails to provide necessary medical care to people in detention
    with serious and chronic medical conditions.
    Since 2009, federal appropriations law has barred ICE from continuing to contract with any
    facility that fails two consecutive annual inspections. This requirement has done little more than
    incentivize ICE to ensure that its inspections are meaningless. The latest ICE data shows only
    two facilities received “deficient” ratings in the last two years, and in both cases the facility
    passed its previous or following inspection. Reporting obligations also require ICE to notify
    Congress if it enters new contracts or extends contracts without adhering to national compliance
    standards. Still, ICE sees this
    process as a rubber stamp,
    providing Congress with cursory
    notifications that merely note that
    compliance with higher standards
    would be more costly.
    The DHS inspector general also
    revealed that ICE allows contractors
    to get away with violating contracted
    standards by granting waivers. ICE data showed nearly 180 waivers operational in 2019, many
    of which implicated issues central to immigrants’ health and safety in detention. For example, at
    least eight facilities received waivers so that they would not be required to provide full medical
    records for people transferred to other sites or released from detention.
    Finally, the DHS Inspector General has found that when detention contracts require QASPs to
    facilitate reporting on wrongdoing, ICE rarely imposes financial penalties on contractors even
    when serious discrepancies are reported. The GAO’s January 2021 report further confirmed that
    ICE’s oversight structure has limited meaningful reporting on discrepancies, often because ICE
    officials did not want to damage their relationships with the detention facility operators. Such
    clientelism perpetuates a revolving door effect, where ICE officials leave their posts to work at
    the same companies they once regulated.
    — DHS Office of Inspector General report, June 26, 2018
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    Constant expansion efforts
    The inherently inhumane immigration detention apparatus has grown even amid changing
    political tides over the decades. The average daily population in immigration detention hovered
    around 10,000 in the early 1990s. ICE’s budget more than doubled as part of the post-9/11
    national securitization of immigration policies, reaching $5.74 billion in fiscal year 2010.
    Congress passed a 2009 “bed quota” authorizing DHS to pay for 34,000 detention beds across
    the country on any given day. The Obama administration fueled the sprawling detention system,
    including expanding family detention. The Trump administration further expanded the detention
    apparatus to hold more than 50,000 people by 2019.
    Toward the end of the Trump administration, detention numbers dropped due to anti-asylum
    policies restricting entry at the border. The numbers dropped further as federal courts forced
    ICE to release people as the deadly COVID-19 pandemic ripped through ICE facilities. Now, the
    number of people in detention is at its lowest in 20 years, underscoring the arbitrary and
    unnecessary nature of detention.
    The relatively lower numbers should signal a permanent trend
    down, yet ICE continues to quietly try to expand its infrastructure even more.
    In the last months of the Trump administration, ICE sought to expand existing facilities’ capacity
    and build new sites. In October 2020, ICE issued requests for information (RFIs) for new
    detention facilities in Newark, New York, Miami, and Denver.
    After ICE issued a similar RFI in
    October 2017, community groups
    engaged in persistent organizing and
    protests to stop ICE from expanding in
    their towns. NIJC obtained information
    showing that the private prison company
    Immigration Centers of America (ICA)
    responded in pursuit of new contracts.
    Subsequently, ICA hired lobbyists to
    convince local officials in Wisconsin,
    Illinois, Maryland, and in Michigan to
    approve new detention sites. So far,
    these expansion efforts have failed; but
    ICE and ICA persist — including a
    proposal for a new detention center in
    the city of Ionia, Michigan. Local
    community groups continue to organize
    against the proposal.
    Some states have passed laws to stop private detention expansion. Illinois, for example, passed
    the Private Detention Facility Moratorium Act in 2019 to block for-profit detention centers in the
    state. The law, and community organizing, finally forced ICE to cancel its plans to build a new
    facility in Dwight, Illinois. Still, as discussed above, ICE and its private accomplices continue to
    try to expand even in cases where states, such as California, assert autonomy to prevent
    federal immigration detention in their backyards.
    A dormitory inside ICA-Farmville. (Credit: ICE)
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    The First 10 Contracts ICE Must Cut
    The Communities Not Cages campaign supports local organizing to build a nationally
    coordinated strategy to stop ICE expansion, shut down detention centers, and ultimately end
    immigration detention in its entirety. The campaign has identified the following 10 detention
    centers as priorities for the
    Biden administration to shut down, calling them emblematic of how
    the immigration detention system as a whole is inherently abusive, unjust, and fatally flawed
    beyond repair. Ending these 10 contracts should be the beginning of a process to entirely phase
    out the use of immigration detention.
    The 10 facilities highlighted in the campaign are:
  • South Texas Family Residential Center (CoreCivic) in Dilley, Texas: The Dilley
    family detention center opened in 2014, after ICE improperly modified an existing IGSA
    with the City of Eloy, Arizona, to establish the family detention center more than 900
    miles away. Dilley has the capacity to hold 2,400 people, and in March 2019, held at
    least 15 babies. Complaints of abuse include accusations of a guard physically
    assaulting a five-year-old boy in the facility in 2019. Legal service providers have sued
    ICE for blocking legal counsel from the facility. In February 2021 the Biden
    administration announced that families will no longer be detained at Dilley for long
    periods, and it is one of two family detention centers being used as quick-release
    “reception centers.” See the 2018 modified contract and 2020 inspection report.
  • Karnes County Residential Center (GeoGroup) in Karnes, Texas: Advocates have
    been calling for Karnes to be closed since it was opened in 2014. In October 2020, ICE
    began using Karnes to hold migrant families whom the Trump administration sought to
    expel from the U.S. without due process using Title 42 authority, under the false and
    xenophobic pretext of public health concerns. The Biden administration has continued to
    carry out such expulsions, in the face of public outcry, including hundreds of Haitian
    asylum seekers and migrants returned to danger in Mexico and Haiti. In February 2021
    the Biden administration announced that families will no longer be detained at Karnes for
    long periods, and it is one of two family detention centers being used as quick-release
    “reception centers.” See the 2015 modified contract and 2013 inspection report.
  • Berks Family Residential Center in Leesport, Pennsylvania: Opened in 2001,
    community groups for decades have called for the Berks facility to be shut down,
    documenting abuses that include sexual assault and medical neglect. A guard pleaded
    guilty to sexual assault against a Honduran woman in 2014. Local advocates have
    documented medical neglect, psychological trauma, persistent verbal abuse, and
    harassment, as well as disregard of Pennsylvania and federal law. As of March 4, 2021,
    ICE has reportedly released everyone from Berks but has not announced if the facility
    will close. See the 2013 modified contract and 2011 inspections report.
  • Hutto Detention Center (CoreCivic) in Taylor, Texas: The Hutto facility has a history
    of abuse since 2010, including multiple sexual assaults by guards and forced labor
    allegations which are still in litigation. Community groups have documented cases of
    Cut the Contracts 8
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    intimidation and retaliation. After more than a decade of community protest against
    abuses at the facility, Williamson County commissioners voted in June 2018 to end their
    IGSA contract with ICE and CoreCivic. However, ICE renewed the contract directly with
    CoreCivic in August 2020, for an additional 10 years, without engaging in a competitive
    bidding process as required in federal procurement law. See the 2010 modified contract
    and 2011 inspection report.
  • Etowah County Detention Center in Gadsden, Alabama: For years, groups have
    been calling for Etowah to be closed, documenting complainants that include retaliatory
    beatings, mismanaged healthcare, a climate of fear and intimidation, racial slurs, and
    discrimination. Etowah came under criticism for its dangerous mismanagement of
    COVID-19, with people detained reporting being punished for asking for a COVID-19
    test. Asylum seekers told journalists in February 2021 they were being threatened
    with exposure to COVID-19 if they did not sign their deportation orders. See the 2015
    modified Marshals contract and 2017 inspection report.
    A brief history of ICE’s family detention system
    Family detention facilities are known for inhumane incarceration with irreversible trauma
    inflicted on children. ICE opened the first family detention center, Berks Family
    Residential Center, in 2001. In spite of widespread opposition and warnings, the Obama
    administration opened two additional facilities in 2014, South Texas Family Residential
    Center and Karnes County Residential Center. Internal records obtained through FOIA
    show that the Obama administration expanded family detention using reprogramming and
    transfer authority — an opaque budgetary practice DHS has used over the years to divert
    hundreds of millions from other departments to expand immigration detention.
    An advisory committee convened by DHS itself said in 2016 that detention was neither
    appropriate nor necessary for families. Still, the Obama administration sent more families
    to detention, with long-term ramifications that resonate today. ICE pays $231 per family in
    detention per day and projected spending over $423 million in fiscal year 2021 to detain
    5,000 people per day in family detention. Families have limited access to counsel at these
    facilities, making it nearly impossible to pursue protection claims under U.S. immigration
    law. Family separation is also inherent to family detention. In July 2020, attorneys warned
    that families in ICE detention were subject to “family separation 2.0,” where parents are
    forced to choose between being detained with their children or allowing ICE to take their
    children away to be with a sponsor.
    The number of detained family members more than doubled from 228 before Biden took
    office to 476 in February 2021. However, as of early March 2021, the administration had
    not officially confirmed any permanent change in ICE’s family detention policy. While the
    decision to stop long-term detention of families is vital, NIJC calls on the administration to
    move toward ending these facilities’ corrupt contracts altogether and eliminating the
    opportunity for any form of family detention to continue.
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  • Irwin County Detention Center (LaSalle Corrections) in Ocilla, Georgia: Irwin
    County Detention Center, operated by LaSalle Corrections, is one of the worst ICE
    detention centers when it comes to access to legal counsel. In September 2020, a
    whistleblower and human rights groups reported that women detained at Irwin had been
    subjected to forced hysterectomies without their consent. An ACLU report eight years
    earlier exposed abuses and medica neglect that foreshadowed the scandal. An ICE
    inspections report from 2017 also reported allegations of sexual abuse, hunger strikes,
    and suicide watch lists. See the 2007 contract and 2017 inspections report.
  • Otero County Processing Center (MTC) in Chaparral, New Mexico: The Otero
    County Processing Center is managed by private prison contractor Management and
    Training Corporation (MTC). Advocates have long documented systemic abuses in
    Otero, including over 200 complaints made between 2015 and 2018 about issues
    including unhealthy living conditions, abuse and exploitation, social isolation and mental
    anguish, and barriers to justice and
    legal access. A January 2021
    report by local advocates
    documents hundreds of similar
    complaints, including lack of
    medical care, barriers to the legal
    system, and racial discrimination.
    During the pandemic, MTC sought
    to increase the numbers of people
    detained even after the State of
    New Mexico declared a public
    health emergency, to keep the
    company’s continued operation of
    the facility “financially viable.” See
    the 2017 modified contract and
    2016 inspection report.
  • ICA-Farmville (Immigration Centers of America) in Farmville, Virginia: ICA began
    detaining people for ICE in Farmville in 2010. Under its IGSA, the Town of Farmville
    collects around $240,000 a year to act as the intermediary between ICE and ICA, which
    takes in around $24 million a year to operate the detention center. The facility has been
    the target of several lawsuits and ongoing investigations. In June 2020 it became the site
    of ICE’s worst deadly COVID-19 outbreak after ICE transferred people there from
    detention centers in other states so it could use ICE planes to transport federal agents to
    protests in Washington, D.C. Community advocates, centering the experiences of
    people detained at ICA-Farmville, along with internal documents obtained through FOIA
    litigation, exposed a long history of abuse preceding the COVID-19 outbreak. They
    detailed the indiscriminate use of pepper spray, use of restraints, rotten food, and threats
    of retaliation. See the 2019 modified contract and 2017 inspection report.
  • Adelanto Detention Center (GEO Group) in Adelanto, California: Adelanto has been
    notorious for abusive conditions since it was converted from a prison to an ICE detention
    center in 2011. The DHS Inspector General reported in 2018 on multiple violations of
    Otero County Processing Center (Credit: Jordyn Rozensky)
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    ICE detention standards and in 2019 documented violations including misuse of
    segregation and solitary confinement, people improperly handcuffed and shackled,
    inadequate medical care, and nooses found in people’s cells. People detained in
    Adelanto have sued GEO Group for wage theft and forced labor. Currently built to hold
    1,940 people, GEO Group’s efforts to expand the facility would make it the largest ICE
    detention center in the country. See the 2013 modified contract and 2017 inspection
  • Mesa Verde Detention Facility (GEO Group) in Bakersfield, California: California
    state agencies found in February 2019 multiple inadequacies and a lack of oversight at
    the Mesa Verde facility. In April 2020, as the pandemic worsened, people detained at the
    facility filed a class-action lawsuit against ICE asking to be released. In November 2020,
    GEO Group sought to expand the facility. In December 2020, a judge accused ICE
    officials of lying to cover up its deliberate indifference to the lives of immigrants in Mesa
    Verde. See the 2017 modified contract and 2017 inspection report.
    The opaque and corrupt immigration detention system furthers the punitive systems of
    incarceration and enforcement that perpetuate racism against Black and Brown communities in
    the United States. The billions of tax dollars that currently fund the immigrant detention system
    should instead be invested in community-based programming. Many communities have already
    developed innovative models for a better and more humane way to support those who need
    services during immigration case processing. The following actions are necessary to end the
    U.S. government’s reliance on an abusive and wasteful immigration detention system:
  • Stop detaining children and end the use of family detention, without exception
  • Dramatically reduce the number of people in ICE detention: provide everyone in
    detention with access to individualized consideration of release while urgently releasing
    vulnerable populations, including people at heightened vulnerability to COVID-19 and all
    transgender people
  • Terminate ICE contracts with county jails and private prisons, beginning with the facilities
    described in this policy brief which have substantial track records of abuse and
  • Terminate proposals for new or expanded detention facilities and refrain from entering
    into new detention contracts
  • Put guidance in place to adopt a presumption of liberty by placing the burden on the
    government to meet a high evidentiary standard to continue a person’s detention
    Visit NIJC’s Transparency Project online to see the full collection of ICE detention center
    contracts and inspection reports obtained via Freedom of Information Act requests.
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